Research methods



The 2D and 3D online tools developed for public use were built based on certain specifications.  The technical documentation and references downloads allow users to verify aspects of the models and confirm relevant sources.


GITHUB – open data portal

Data files and technical documentation for the CIM and digital twin are available for download via a GitHub repository.  The data are packaged in ZIP files and include a README file to provide details about each geodatabase.


Annotated Bibliography

A variety of primary source materials about housing in Milwaukee are publicly available online via archives and libraries. These materials served as the basis for my research’s historical narrative and the numerous databases that power the digital tools on this website. The Annotated Bibliography previews a selection of these sources with links to the original items.


Chronology of Website Updates

The digital tools, reports, and data available on this website are being continually updated as research progresses.  The chronology details updates as they have been made available online.