This website is built for educational purposes in partial fulfillment of doctoral research requirements at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee’s School of Architecture and Urban Planning. The data, research conclusions, and opinions contained within the website are solely those of the author and are not representative of any other party, institution, or organization. For inquiries, please contact Kristian Vaughn at kdvaughn [at] uwm [dot] edu.
To learn more about the research, please review the dissertation proposal materials:
In addition to completing the data analysis for dissertation research, this website serves a broader purpose as a demonstration model for the visualization and sharing of tabular and spatial data on a web-based, multi-media platform. Because this effort is being made public via this website, the work seeks to achieve a handful of broader goals:
Deploy operational digital twins for portions of the city of Milwaukee displaying historical and contemporary housing data. As a proof of concept, this is meant to demonstrate the technology’s possibilities in Milwaukee.
Demonstrate the efficacy of emerging technologies for information sharing and public engagement with other practitioners and policy analysts in the urbanist professions.
Develop new tools to engage with other researchers and share research conclusions and data.
About the Website’s Title
The website’s title, “The Innovation Paradox,” is meant to convey the irony and contrasts inherent in change and innovation in urban environments. While some may regard innovation as progress and a positive advancement, others may suffer the unintended consequences of this disruption and change. Similar to the ironies of creative destruction, change does not occur as a discrete event. It has numerous direct, indirect, and induced outcomes. Some may benefit, while others struggle.
While this website creates a digital platform for the public deployment of city information modeling, the actual dissertation title, “Milwaukee’s Housing Fracture,” specifically applies to the doctoral research being conducted herein. The tools contained within this website are being developed to assess historical changes in Milwaukee’s neighborhoods. Whether considering demographic, economic, spatial, or public policy factors, these digital tools are meant to quantify the impacts of this change.
This research utilizes primary source documents, secondary historical research articles and books, and tabular data that accurately portrays conditions in Milwaukee’s history. These sources include terminology, phrases, and language that is offensive and derogatory. Though the language is inappropriate, it is reproduced in this research for the purposes of historical accuracy with accompanying footnotes and sources to provide the reader with needed context.
copyright & attribution
The data analysis, research conclusions, and multimedia graphics contained within this website are the intellectual property of Kristian Vaughn. The material is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. To reference or reproduce these research materials, please provide attribution to Kristian Vaughn and this website.